  >    >  Hang-gliding



Hang-gliding, paragliding and parachuting are certainly among the most adrenaline-filled air sports, in the category of free flight, and those that most give the sensation of flying.

The beauty of hang-gliding is also the high speed that can be reached and the possibility of staying in the air for a long time to enjoy the view and the feeling of having wings.


Hang-gliding consists of a usually triangular structure on which a large wing in the shape of a Greek “delta” (Δ) is stretched, from which it takes its name.

It can be single-seater or two-seater.

The take-off takes place from the ground, with a short run-up usually made along a slope.

The hang-glider is controlled thanks to the movement of the body and therefore of the weight of the pilot, through a horizontal bar. The cruising position is generally prone (lying on your stomach).

Hang-gliding will let you live an experience of pure adrenaline, but with 100% safety guaranteed by certified and super-expert instructors, I recommend!! 😉

By the way: it’s not possible to do practive thise sports individually, without having taken a course and having a license, but you can do it any time with an instructor.


Hang-gliding can be practiced all year round, depending on the climatic conditions and air streams on site on the scheduled day of the flight or launch.

Hang-gliding requires heights from which to run down to gain altitude.


80 – 90%

is the minimum amount of DRD4-7R adventure gene that we think you should have to do this activity.

Take the test to find out how much% of 7R you have in your DNA.


No particular physical skills are required for a tandem flight with an hang-glider, but the possibility of making a short run and a general good state of health.

There is no minimum age, but a minimum weight, which is 40 kg (written authorization from parents is required for children).

While flying you won’t suffer from vertigo because the sense of balance is not used; having no optical reference that connects us with the ground, you won’t have a sense of depth, it’s therefore impossible to feel dizzy in the air.

To really feel your flight, here are some advice:

  • don’t fly with an empty stomach; a light and dry breakfast helps not to feel any nausea in case of dizziness, a chewing gum helps the most sensitive.
  • if you fly in the afternoon have a light lunch
  • arrive rested, a flight after a night of parties is not the ideal condition to face this beautiful adventure (besides the fact that no serious instructor will allow you fly if you are under the effect of alcohol or drugs, even if light)
  • carry out the experiences in this order: first Hang-gliding flight, then paragliding and last parachuting; the adrenaline effect will increase 😉


To make a tandem flight in a hang-glider, paraglider or parachute, the instructor will provide you with:

  • Helmet: although not a risky activity, if practiced with responsibility and attention, the helmet is a fundamental precaution
  • Sailing: the heart of the parachute, it can be of various materials and sizes depending on the intended use.
  • Harnesses: the harness allows to secure the pilot and the passenger to the sail, thanks to belts and hooks.

We advise you to wear comfortable clothes and to cover yourself a little more than the season requires because there is more air up there and the temperature is lower. So windproof jackets, down jackets, gloves and sunglasses.

We also recommend hiking shoes, possibly with a high ankle to facilitate the friction at take-off and landing and better protect the ankles.