
United States of America (USA)

The United States of America are 50 states in North America between Alaska and Mexico, up to Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. And they are all different from one to the another.

Here you are all 50, with their capital:

  1. Alabama, State of Alabama, AL, Montgomery
  1. Alaska, State of Alaska, AK, Juneau
  2. Arizona, State of Arizona, AZ, Phoenix
  3. Arkansas, State of Arkansas, AR, Little Rock
  4. California, State of California, CA, Sacramento
  5. Carolina del Nord, State of North Carolina, NC, Raleigh
  6. Carolina del Sud, State of South Carolina, SC, Columbia
  7. Colorado, State of Colorado, CO, Denver
  8. Connecticut, State of Connecticut, CT, Hartford
  9. Dakota del Nord, State of North Dakota, ND, Bismarck
  10. Dakota del Sud, State of South Dakota, SD, Pierre
  11. Delaware, State of Delaware, DE, Dover
  12. Florida, State of Florida, FL, Tallahassee
  13. Georgia, State of Georgia, GA, Atlanta
  14. Hawaii, State of Hawai’i – Moku’a-ina o Hawai’i, HI, Honolulu
  15. Idaho, State of Idaho, ID, Boise
  16. Illinois, State of Illinois, IL, Springfield
  17. Indiana, State of Indiana, IN, Indianapolis
  18. Iowa, State of Iowa, IA, Des Moines
  19. Kansas, State of Kansas, KS, Topeka
  20. Kentucky, Commonwealth of Kentucky, KY, Frankfort
  21. Louisiana, State of Louisiana – État de Louisiane, LA, Baton Rouge
  22. Maine, State of Maine, ME, Augusta
  23. Maryland, State of Maryland, MD, Annapolis
  24. Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, MA, Boston
  25. Michigan, State of Michigan, MI, Lansing
  26. Minnesota, State of Minnesota, MN, Saint Paul
  27. Mississippi, State of Mississippi, MS, Jackson
  28. Missouri, State of Missouri, MO, Jefferson City
  29. Montana, State of Montana, MT, Helena
  30. Nebraska, State of Nebraska, NE, Lincoln
  31. Nevada, State of Nevada, NV, Carson City
  32. New Hampshire, State of New Hampshire, NH, Concord
  33. New Jersey, State of New Jersey, NJ, Trenton
  34. New York, State of New York, NY, Albany
  35. Nuovo Messico, State of New Mexico – Estado de Nuevo México, NM, Santa Fe
  36. Ohio, State of Ohio, OH, Columbus
  37. Oklahoma, State of Oklahoma, OK, Oklahoma City
  38. Oregon, State of Oregon, OR, Salem
  39. Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, PA, Harrisburg
  40. Rhode Island, State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, RI, Providence
  41. Tennessee, State of Tennessee, TN, Nashville
  42. Texas, State of Texas, TX, Austin
  43. Utah, State of Utah, UT, Salt Lake City
  44. Vermont, State of Vermont, VT, Montpelier
  45. Virginia, Commonwealth of Virginia, VA, Richmond
  46. Virginia Occidentale, State of West Virginia, WV, Charleston
  47. Washington, State of Washington, WA, Olympia
  48. Wisconsin, State of Wisconsin, WI, Madison
  49. Wyoming, State of Wyoming, WY, Cheyenne

I bet you can remind of something you’ve seen in a movie, read in a book, heard in a song for each of them, as it seems you know them very well.  And when you are there, you feel like you are part of that stage, of that movie set, with the cups of coffee always full, the shops open day and night, the drives in, …

But America is much more than that. Go beyond the places you have already seen in the movies and you will discover some of the most beautiful cities in the world, breathtaking landscapes, helpful and welcoming people, all sorts of oddities, sports that cannot be more extreme than that, but also tranquillity and peace.

In the United States every kind of trip is possible because you will find modern megalopolis but also deserts, mountains, grasslands and a variety of incredible climates and customs.

Sports and adventures

Here are the sports and adventures we recommend in this destination.

For more details about sports click here.

In this area every sport activity is feasible, from trekking (the only National Trails System includes 21 long-distance routes, for a total of 50,000 km) to extreme climbs in Yosemite Valley, from horse riding to mountain biking (which was born here as ATB – all terrain bike), from kayaking at the bottom of the canyons to surfing on the Pacific coasts, from hang gliding to bungee jumping.


Bunjee Jumping


Sail boat





Hang gliding

Horse riding




Off-road vehicle


Hot air balloon








Adventure Park




Ski and snowboard

Surf & Co




Sleeping in a shelter, spending a day with the locals, discover unknown places, here are some of the special experiences that you could live in this destination.

The USA covers such a vast and so different territory that it’s possible to experience whatever type of adventure you are looking for.

From visiting the studios where your favourite movie has been filmed, watching the rituals and everyday life of an Indian tribe or feeling tiny among the skyscrapers of the Big Apple. Or do you want to cross deserts? Exploring forests? Climbing mountains? Walking on the pack? Surfing huge waves? Live of art and culture? Try your luck at the game? The answer will always be: Yes, You Can!

On foot from Georgia to Main through the Appalachian Mountains or in the footsteps of explorers Lewis and Clark along the Missouri River

The most famous jazz club tour in the country

The legendary route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles by motorcycle

Coast to coast by train

The USA offers these and a thousand other experiences that we are looking forward to choosing for you based on your wishes.

What to see

Here are some ideas of what you can admire in this wonderful place:

It is really impossible to give you just an idea of what you absolutely must see in USA. Here are just a few ideas:

The chaos, the shops and the museum of New York, the parks, the waves in Arizona, the waves and the beaches of California, the peace of Hawaii, the Hollywood sets, the route 66, the hangover in Las Vegas, and I could go on for pages and pages…


The landscape, the flora and the fauna of this country are just one of the reasons to visit it.

In the USA there are 60 national parks and hundreds of protected areas, in which it’s possible to admire indescribable natural spectacles in words, in which live thousands of species of animals, even of large size, such as moose, bison and bears.

Here are some not to be missed:

  • Grand Canyon (Arizona)
  • Yellowstone (Idaho, Montana e Wyoming)
  • Yosemite (California)
  • Monte Rushmore (South Dakota)
  • Monument Valley (Arizona e Utah)
  • Niagara Falls
  • Mouth of Rio Grande
  • Death Valley
  • Mojave Desert
  • Great Lakes Region
  • Rocks Mountain
  • Appalachian Mountains
  • Sequoia National Park
  • Denali Mountain (the highest  mountain in the USA, 6.194 mt)

Food and Wine

What you could eat and drink in this country


Probably this is the first thing that comes to mind, along with rivers of beer to complete the picture.

Yes, America is definitely the home of burgers and grilled meats, apple pies and turkey for Thanksgiving.

But there are so many dishes that we recommend you taste and you won’t regret it, from street food to traditional dishes, because America is not just junk food:

Lunch with New York hot dogs, breakfast with pancakes and American coffee and a snack with donuts, and then Lobster roll in front of Boston Harbour in the evening with a good glass of wine, and fried green tomatoes tells you something?

All that remains to do is to experience all kind of food, far and wide throughout the territory.

Wine is a continuously growing product and Californian wines are excellent.

When to go

The climate varies strongly from north to south, with the distance from the oceans and the presence or proximity of mountain ranges: the Midwest has a continental climate, the south-west desert, the Californian coast has a Mediterranean one, Alaska sub-Arctic, and so on. Southern states are also influenced by the warm tropical winds that come from the Gulf of Mexico, which results in milder winters but also greater humidity and hurricane formation. Viceversa, northern states on the Atlantic coast are beaten by the cold Labrador current.

Autumn is above all the best time to see the regions of the parks, the great lakes, when the colors of nature offer a wonderful spectacle.

If you want to enjoy skiing though, of course winter is the only possible season, while in summer enjoy the beaches of California.


Language: American english
Currency: Dollar $ (1 € = 1,12 US$ about)
Capital city: Washington D.C.
Seasons: Spring from March to June; Summer from June to September; Autumn from September to December; Winter from December to March

For up-to-date and detailed information visit

Some tips

To move from one city to another you can use the bus or the train, but the most convenient and practical way to visit the USA is by car, and internal flights to move from one State to another.

Restaurants serves very cold drinks with excessive amounts of ice and the air conditioning is always set to arctic temperatures.

Philadelphia Expert

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