
7 steps of diving

Siete alla ricerca dell’onda perfetta? Ecco alcuni posti pazzeschi dove fare surf in giro per il mondo.


The 7 steps of diving will tell you how the divers “routine” works in a day or during a vacation dedicated to diving, as we lived it for the first time.

A sort of routine will be created around a dive that makes this activity even more fun and enjoyable.

Especially in the case of a trip that involves multiple dives a day, every day, you will see that you’ll enter this loop as well:

Eat, sleep, briefing, diving, play, take pictures, repeat.

1) Eat

Diving is energy consuming, and this is a great news for those who are looking for a toning and weight-loosing sport. One of the diving education organizations has estimated that you can burn over 600 calories on average during an hour diving in mild water.

So, you have to eat! You eat before diving to get the needed energy for diving and no needs to tell you that you’ll eat even afterwards, ‘cause you will get very hungry!

The ideal is to eat something light, without fat and sugar, that gives the right calorie count.

Instead, drink a lot! Water, fruit juices, tea, herbal teas, …

Absolutely no alcohol and little caffeine.

2) Sleep

After a dive you’ll fall asleep as a child’s nap, especially if you have had to deal with some challenging currents …

This is a great way our body uses to restore and make us ready for the next dive.

3) Briefing

Once the dive is planned in all its details, dive masters share the information regarding where to go, what you could see, safety info like the Plan B, the procedure to follow if you lose your buddy , … in short, all that is useful to know before entering in “silent” mode.

4) Dive

And finally here is the most important moment: diving.

The preparations can be more demanding than the dive itself if you are not used in putting on a wetsuit … It is an operation that requires physical effort, sometimes arriving to the point of thinking of diving only with the swimsuit 😉 (don’t do it). However, after being able to get dressed, have prepared and checked your equipment, here you can enjoy the sight of this wonderful world that lives below the surface of the sea.

In some locations you will feel like you’ve fallen into an aquarium and you’ll find yourself surrounded by colors, life and submerged wrecks.

Accompanied by the sound of your breath in the regulator (it seems to be chased by Darth Vader) you’ll live an adventure looking for Nemo and all the creatures hidden among the corals or camouflaged in the sand.

Each time you’ll have a different view in front of you, so you’ll never cease to be excited by the discovery of an octopus or a puffer fish that looks at you curiously.

If you manage to stand side by side with a turtle or a group of manta rays or play with dolphins, or watch a hunting scene, your day will make sense.

We are not talking about seeing sharks … in this case the adrenaline rises to the stars!

5) Play

Once back on the surface, there is always the “Did you see …?” time, when you finally explain all what you gestured under water. But it’s also the time to consolidate the frendship between buddies, starting joking, teases and fun.

If you are with a group of friends, playing will be an integral part of all your days.

6) Take pictures

The more the sensations are strong, the more memories are imprinted in your mind, so you’ll be back home with lots of images of your dives.

But if you are a passionate photographer you’ll also take many pictures and videos to show friends who have not yet experienced the magic of diving, or maybe you have captured some of the highlights of your dive 😉

7) Repaet

And now you just need to start this fun loop again 😉

You can dive during a journey that also includes other activities, cultural or sporting, or you can have base on the ground and go out on a rubber boat or a dive boat, or spend the whole holiday diving on a specially equipped boat.

Even those who do not have a diving patent can still have fun with the so-called “initiation dive”, that is a dive with a complete diving equipment, in which the instructor, who won’t give you up a second all the time, at a maximum depth of about 5/10 meters.

Does this activity inspire you?

Don’t hesitate to contact us to help you organize custom dives or diving tours, in line with your interests, suited to your physical preparation and your desire for adrenaline.

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Have fun!


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