
7 reasons to take an adventure trip

Viaggi avventura
Viaggi avventura

There are endless reasons to go on an adventure trip, but there are 7 in particular that will make you pack your bags and leave right now.

They can be group or solo trips, to discover Africa on a safari or the white deserts in the poles. Each adventure trip is unique and worth experiencing.

Let’s see what are the 7 reasons for taking an adventure trip

What is an adventure trip

Let’s start by clarifying what we mean by “adventure travel”.

When we talk about this type of travel, we mean a real way of life, based on the concept of travel as a self discovery, and of the most incredible places in the world.

Going on an adventure trip does not mean attempting a no-return heroic experience.

There are various levels of “adventurousness”, it all lies in choosing the one that suits us best. It could be the ascent of Mount Everest, such as exploring Iceland by bike, or a snowmobile safari in Finland.

Adventure is a concept, it is not knowing what emotions to expect, what knowledge you will have, what you can learn about yourself and the world and discover it in every moment of the journey.

Who can take an adventure trip

Anyone who feels the desire to explore the truest and most hidden sides of the world, to get in touch with different cultures, to try new experiences and have a spirit of adaptation can take an adventure trip; in short, anyone who has the 7R (find out what the 7R is and if you have it).

The important thing is to choose the trip that suits you or to customise it, because the trip must be challenging, but also fun.

The adventure travel is an experience that is worth doing alone, as a couple, but also in a group with friends or with people who do not know each other, organized by adventure travel specialists, able to evaluate all the safety elements, but also offer you the most vivid and true experiences.

Do you find yourself in this description? Take a look at our destinations and pack your bags!


Why you should take an adventure trip?

Here you are the 7 reasons to take an adventure trip

1) To explore and discover the world

Adventure travel is the symbol of travel as an exploration and discovery of the most incredible places in the world, especially off the beaten track.

Imagine entering the jungle, walking on the path and, at a certain point, seeing a herd of monkeys playing. Go on and hear the sound of flowing water … a magnificent waterfall and a small lake where you can dive and cool off.

You don’t know what you can discover along the way, but whatever it is will be extraordinary because it is unexpected and unique.

2) To have a unique experience

What you will experience firsthand during the trip is unique and unrepeatable and is given by the emotions of  the situation.

It is also the experience you acquire from the stories of people you meet on your journey, whether they are travel companions, guides or people with whom you establish contact and who invite you into their culture and traditions, through stories, explanations, tastings, life experiences, …

In addition to the emotions, with an adventure trip you always bring home a wealth of knowledge and experience.

3) Because it opens the mind

Traveling opens the mind. Adventure travel do it even more.

You have the opportunity to get in touch with different cultures, different ways of thinking and living.

If you only have a minimal predisposition to know and assimilate, you will find new ways of thinking and doing that will enrich your life and your mind. You will experience the next adventure trip with an even more open spirit to understand and know what surrounds you.

4) Because it pushes your limits

Putting you to the test, facing unknowing things, helps you to reach tha breaking point, to cross the threshold of the comfort zone. It is the moment when you realize that you have been able to deal with something new, that you were afraid of before and that you are now able to handle it.

Now you can go to the next level.

5) For its mental and physical benefits

During an adventure journey our body produces large amounts of serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline.

Serotonin and dopamine have a beneficial effect on mood (serotonin, for example, is called the “Hormone of Happiness”), improve the sense of general well-being and helps you sleep better.

Instead, the effects of adrenaline on the heart, muscles and brain prepare the body for intense physical activity.

Adventure travel is the best medicine your body and mind need.

6) To meet new people

In adventure travel group, you will live with unknown people 24 hours.

Often you will have to work together to prepare food, to get out of a ditch, to clean up, to decide what to do, …

If you have the right attitude, you will learn a lot from these situations, also improving relationships with others when you return home and you will appreciate more the teamworking.

The time spent together, having such intense experiences, creates solid bonds, which many times you will carry around for the rest of your life.

Adventure travel creates indissoluble bonds of friendship.

7) Because you’ll be more sexy

Have you ever seen someone kidnapped and captivated by hearing the story of a beach holiday under an umbrella? Obviously not!!

Instead, who hasn’t fallen in love with Indiana Jones or didn’t want to be like him?

Tell about that time when you changed a tire in the river with crocodiles, or when you almost froze to take a picture of a very rare brown Rhinopith 😉

The more adventurous the journey, the sexier you look.


The main reason for taking an adventure trip is that, after a trip like this, we come back changed and with a wealth of emotions and experiences.

We return more predisposed towards others, happier and healthier, sexier, with new friends, ready to face new challenges, with new acquaintances and many things to tell.

After an experience like this, you may even radically change your life goals.

Traveling is always the best investment you can make.


Tell us what an adventure trip is for you in the comments.

If you’re curious, don’t hesitate to contact us to help you organize you custom tour, in line with your interests, suited to your physical preparation and your desire for adrenaline.

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Have fun!

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